Hello there!
I am Adarsh Mehta, son and heir of Rajendra Mehta. Long ago - on 30th October, 1997 - on a Diwali day, my mother Sandhya Mehta gave birth to me. But soon I realized that I was not the first one. To my great horror, she had already given birth to two mortals before I was born, of which one survived! The survivor was far older than me and of the opposite sex, who later went on to become a huge part of my life - my biological sister - Aditi Mehta. I currently live with my parents and my sister in Mumbai, the financial capital of India, where I am born and brought up.
Quick facts about me!
I'm Scorpio (if that matters).
Agnostic guy.
Loves chilling out alone with pizzas whilst watching movies/TV shows.
Health and fitness freak.
DBZ fan.
Loves crazy jokes and puns and the internet.
Dumber than I may seem.
Knows UCMAS.
Intrigued by programming.
Loves running but rarely runs.
Bad at remembering new names, faces and relations.
Can't dance for shit.
Introvert. Likes being an introvert.
My education!
Here's a tour through my educational story. My parents admitted me into St. Xavier's High School (Maharashtra Board) at the tender age of 3, and I studied there till I became a teenager. Then, my parents decided to change my centre of learning, and admitted me into N. L. Dalmia High School (ICSE Board), where I completed the remainder of my high school education.
I was (and I still am) pretty interested in Science, so after giving my 10th grade board examination, I pursued the study required to get into IIT and joined PACE Junior Science College, Andheri. I wanted to become a programmer or a software engineer. But for several reasons, I lost my pursuit of studying Science (don't ask why). So I left PACE, decided to change my stream from Science to Commerce and took admission in one of the best worst colleges in Mumbai - Shri L. P. Raval Junior College. It was a unique experience for me.
After giving my 12th grade board examination, I gave CPT or Common Proficiency Test (which is the first level of Chartered Accountancy examinations in India). I have joined the Institute of Distance and Open Learning to become a Bachelor of Commerce. Currently, I am preparing for IPCC or Integrated Professional Competence Course (which is the second level of Chartered Accountancy examinations in India).
Random weird things about me! (I hope you can relate to more than a few)
I pick my nose but when I see someone else do it I get creeped out.
I only wash my hands if somebody comes in the bathroom while I am peeing.
I don't believe in certain foods belonging to certain meals. Food is food. However, I do believe in eating dessert first.
I have a terrible disability with my sense of direction.
I can't see, hear, or even think about yawning without having to do so myself.
I have to wipe my eyes every time I come out of the water when I swim.
I have never finished an eraser. I always lose it before it ends.
If I put something in a clean kitchen sink and immediately realize I am not done with it, I feel like it is covered in germs and must be washed first!
I hate when someone is erasing a chalkboard and they don't erase the whole thing, leaving behind the remnants of a few letters. Even thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.
The more I think about getting asleep, the harder it gets to be asleep.
I like to wait until the absolutely last minute because then it feels so good to poop.
Whenever I sneeze and someone says, "God bless you!", I get really nervous to sneeze again and try to hold it, because I don't want them to have to bless me twice.
No doors can be ajar. They have to be completely open or closed. Nothing in between.
Every time I walk by a window or mirror I always have to check myself out to make sure I don't look stupid, but I always act like I am looking around and just happen to see myself so as not to look vain.
I study best if I act like I am teaching an imaginary group of students the material using a chalk board.